
Sourcing crystals is now easier than ever with the internet, where you can find the exact stone you're looking for in no time flat.

But just because something is sold on the internet doesn't mean that care was taken at every step to bring that item to your hands.

It is my commitment to provide consciously sourced minerals to you as a discerning collector who cares about the environmental & social impact of your crystal purchases.

All crystals sold in my online shop or Instagram page are certified in writing by each supplier to not be mined, transported or finished by child labor. 

Different locales have mining practices that may not be the same as other locations around the planet. 

Mining is inherently damaging to the earth surrounding the excavation site, regardless of the location each crystal is extracted from.

It is due to this that I cannot + refuse to certify my crystal offerings as anything other than mined directly from the earth with some impact. 

However, please understand that as humans become increasingly connected with the eco-systems around us as we once were in the ancient past, everyone from miners to marketplace sellers are demanding that mining activities be less invasive.

Most minerals sold for collector's purposes today are mined as a bi-product of industrial mining.

Therefore hardly any additional impact is made on the earth collecting the crystals sold in my shop that wasn't already happening to power your cellphone, laptop, refrigerator or oil-heater for example.

Beware when you see the term "ethically sourced crystals" used by other crystal shops. Unless someone has mined the crystals themselves & has shown footage of ecological repair in place to remediate the mine site, I would say this is a flashy marketing term meant to make you feel good about a purchase on the surface level. 

Country of origin information is available in every product listing in my shop. 

As always, if you have any questions regarding sourcing information or mining practices- do not hesitate to reach out via Instagram direct message (@alpinemooncrystals) or by sending an email to

Thank you for being committed to learning more about the mineral & crystal mining industry before making a purchase.

Happy crystal shopping! Check out new arrivals here!